dilluns, 8 de juny del 2015

Roller Hockey

Roller hockey was invented during the XIX century by a british person whose name I can't find. this sports cames from polo, a sport invented by the americans years before. at first, pepole play hockey in a cement rinks. hockey arrives to USA a few years later that it was invent. early in the 20th century hockey was showed to the rest of Europe and started to became a knowed sport because of films. 1992 hokey was one of the exibitions sports in the Barcelna's olimpic Games. recently, about five years ago, hokey's rules changed and became more atractives to the public.

diumenge, 25 de gener del 2015


once, proximly one year ago, I was in Barcelona whenn I saw four men who were clothes. they looked very nervous and I asked them why they are so impatients and they answered me that they were looking for stands and they answered me if  I want to be one of the stands. I, of course, said yes and they accompanied me to a small room, where there were lots of people. but there was a person diferent than the rest: george clooney. and, lucly for me, I sat next to him and I talk a little with him.
it was a wonderful expirience work with clooney despite of the diference of our talent.

divendres, 26 de desembre del 2014

in this place, you will find all you asked us.

dissabte, 25 d’octubre del 2014

correction Jordi Cortés

Hi! My name is Jordi, I'm 13 years old. On Tuesday and Saturday  I go to do figure-skating. The last of the week (at the weekend, in the afternoon) I walk my dog, I do homework, I stay with my friends and I watch movies and videos on YouTube and TV programs. My favourite TV program is Glee a program of a High School, it's very famous.  

dimecres, 22 d’octubre del 2014

Hi, my name is Marc and now i'm going to explain something about my habits. I like play hokey and basketball and I always play basketball twice a week, on tuesday and on thursday. I usually play hokey three times a week, on monday, on wednesday and on friday but some days I don't play on friday because the training is late at night. On wednesday i go to english lessons and on monday I go to art lessons. This is all i do!